



週末看了《小丑》(Joker),忍不住推薦給大家。據說,早些時候在威尼斯電影節,當《小丑》放映結束時,引發了長達8分鐘的起立鼓掌。飾演小丑的是傑昆·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)。由於導演希望小丑亞瑟•弗萊克要有皮包骨的病態身材,傑昆便以每天一個蘋果的可怕方式在一個月的時間減了近 48斤。影片中,亞瑟肩胛骨高聳肋骨暴突得讓人心疼。






I used to think that my life was a tragedy。 But now I realize, it’s a comedy。 我曾經認為我的生活是一場悲劇。但現在我意識到了,這是一部喜劇。

Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there? 只是我,還是外面的世界變得越來越瘋狂了?

My mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face。 She told me I had a purpose: to bring laughter and joy to the world。 我的媽媽總是讓我面帶笑容。她說我生來有個使命:為世界帶來歡樂。

All I have are negative thoughts。 我全部的想法都是消極悲傷的。

For my whole life, I didn‘t know if I even really existed。 But I do, and people are starting to notice。 在我的一生中,我都不知道我是否真的存在。但我知道,人們開始注意到了。

When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Joker? 當你帶我出場的時候,你能把我介紹為小丑嗎?

I just hope my death makes more sense than my life。 我只希望我的死比我的生命更有意義。

Arthur Fleck: I was wondering if you could ask the doctor to increase my medication。


Social Worker: Arthur, you’re on seven different medications。 Surely they must be doing something。


Arthur Fleck: I just don’t want to feel so bad anymore。


Arthur Fleck: Why are you saying this? I don’t need you to tell me lies! I know it seems strange! I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable! I don’t know why! Dad, I want just a little bit of f**king decency! What is it with you people? You say that stuff about my mother!


Arthur Fleck: [laughing] Dad, it’s me! Come on!


[Thomas suddenly punches Arthur in the face]





The little bit of communist undertone in this movie concerns me but other than that I loved it。 Haven’t seen a movie that is so brave and exhilarating for some time now。

It has nothing to do with mass shooters。 And it is not trying to provoke one。 More leftist nonsense。 Arthur stays just, sensitive, and true to himself throughout。 He has never ever hurt anyone indiscriminately without concern in the movie。 It’s the world that keeps hurting him, and he ends up freeing himself, mentally and physically。

Copycat? There is nothing to copy here。 Arthur is not a mass shooter/mass killer/mass anything at any point in the movie。 If anything he is a man who is in massive pain。 There is some violence and killing, sure。 But it is far from “extreme violence” compared even to the X-Men movies hollywood cooked out。 And this movie does not glorify violence at all。 Violence is ugly and it stays ugly on the big screen。 I bet those complaining have not even the slightest idea what this movie is about。

When I went, I did see a police car parked outside and a guy standing in the corridor in red suit just like the Joker outfit so that is that。