




此枚中華民國雙旗幣十銅元包漿醇厚,鏽色古樸,紋飾精美,且比較稀少,實屬難得,收藏價值甚高。正面中央圖案為兩面交叉的國旗,左為鐵血十八星旗,右為五色旗,中間繫結帶,旗幟飄揚,雙旗上方有一菊花紋,雙旗寓意全國一統與民族大團結;左右飾以團菊花紋;下方則鐫“當十銅元”標明幣值。鐵血十八星旗,簡稱十八星旗。是武昌起義勝利的標誌。旗面為紅色,象徵鐵血精神;十八顆星為十八個行省,以此代表全國。武昌義旗一舉,各省雲起響應,一場全國規模的反清革命運動迅速興起,最後導致清王朝的終結。錢背正中圖案則為稻穗組成嘉禾紋,寓意豐民足歲;背面上部鐫“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”;下方則鐫“TEN CASH”。雙旗幣產生於民國時期,民國在中國歷史上僅僅存在了幾十年的時間,因此,在兵荒馬亂的年代,錢幣在經歷了無窮的歲月之後,依然可以完整地保留下來,實屬不易,具有很高的歷史文物收藏價值、以及文化藝術融合領域開展了諸多富有成效的創新探索。



Chinese civilization has a long history of 5000 years。 Every stage of historical development is the footprints of our country‘s growth, and silver copper machine-made coins are an important part of this historical galaxy。 It not only represents the currency culture of modern China, but also reflects the rise and fall of China’s modern history, economy and finance。 It has high artistic and cultural value。

After the victory of 1911 Revolution, the Qing emperor abdicated and the Republic of China was founded。 Sun Yat Sen, the pioneer of China‘s democratic revolution, took office as the provisional president of the Republic of China。 In his “decree of the provisional president”, he proposed to “publish a new model and make commemorative coins”。 Later, two mints in Wuchang and Nanjing took the lead in casting the subsidiary coins of the Republic of China’s Double Flag copper yuan, mainly in the denomination of ten Wen。 This is the origin of the Double Flag coin of the Republic of China。

This double flag coin of the Republic of China, ten copper yuan, is a rare one with thick paste, rustic color, exquisite ornamentation and high collection value。 The central design of the front is a cross national flag with iron and blood 18 star flag on the left and five-color flag on the right。 There is a ribbon in the middle and the flag is flying。 There is a chrysanthemum pattern on the top of the two flags, which means national unity and national unity。 The chrysanthemum pattern is decorated on the left and right, and the currency value is marked by “Dangshi Tongyuan” on the bottom。 The 18 star flag of iron blood is called 18 star flag for short。 It is the symbol of the victory of Wuchang Uprising。 The flag is red, symbolizing the spirit of iron and blood; 18 stars are 18 provinces, representing the whole country。 The Yiqi banner of Wuchang rose at one stroke, and all provinces responded。 A nationwide anti Qing revolutionary movement rose rapidly, which finally led to the end of the Qing Dynasty。 The design in the middle of the back of the coin is Jiahe pattern composed of rice ears, which means that Fengmin is full-time; on the top of the back, it is engraved with “the publishing of China”; on the bottom, it is engraved with “ten cash”。 The Double Flag coin was produced in the period of the Republic of China, which only existed for several decades in Chinese history。 Therefore, in the era of war and chaos, the coin can still be completely preserved after endless years。 It is not easy。 It has a high value of historical relics collection, and many fruitful innovative explorations have been carried out in the field of cultural and artistic integration。

Ancient coins belong to non renewable resources。 One coin will be lost if one is collected。 Coins are the treasure of Chinese traditional culture and have high collection and investment value。 Chinese currency culture for thousands of years condenses the wisdom and talent of the Chinese nation and creates a systematic, brilliant and unique Oriental currency culture with high historical value。