直說|中國是否要為低生育率擔憂 ?

直說|中國是否要為低生育率擔憂 ?

#2022全國兩會# 【直說|#中國是否要為低生育率擔憂# ?】聯合國人口基金駐華代表康嘉婷博士認為,中國目前所經歷的人口結構變化並不是中國特有的,從世界各國的情況來看,隨著經濟的發展,生育率會降低。政府要思考如何投入最大的精力來充分挖掘二次人口紅利。@聯合國人口基金駐華代表處 “The demographic changes and what China is seeing is not unique to China。 What we see across the world is as economies become more developed, that you will see a reduction in fertility。 The government needs to ponder the best investments it can make to harness the population,” said Dr Justine Coulson, the United Nations Population Fund representative in China。

直說|中國是否要為低生育率擔憂 ?