您不知道我們的身體部位可以做的10件事——No.4 眼睛



No.4 眼睛可以感知到味道







您不知道我們的身體部位可以做的10件事——No.4 眼睛

We know that our eyes can do some awesome things—from being able to see in the night to tracking things at high speeds。 However, all of that is still only related to sight。 Did you know that our eyes can also taste?

Research proves that human eyes are relatively good at identifying flavors。 Moreover, our visual sense of a flavor can even override our taste buds。 In one experiment, the researchers gave professional wine tasters two glasses of wine from the same bottle of white wine。 However, the contents of one glass was colored red with flavorless dye。

In a massive blow to the wine tasting industry, the critics identified the latter as red wine。

While you may think that occurred because wine tasting is a bogus science anyway—which may be true—something more complicated was happening。 When the brain senses two conflicting pieces of information about taste, it goes with the visual information even if it’s the brain of someone with years of expertise related to that taste。